Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sorry I missed yesterday

I didn't have a very good day yesterday, so i wasn't quite all there, but i am ok today.
I went to steamboat to wal-mart since we don't have one here to get all the stuff i need for Hannah's party sun day afternoon, you all are invited to come if you want she would love it.

Today was story hour at the library, but they had it at the park instead, Stacey was watching Hannah, Christopher, and Savanah, which is Rusty and Lashanna's two kids, so Stacey had a hand fool she said that Christopher didn't like the story, so he was going to do one of his own i guess, you have to meet Christopher to know what i am sayhing he is no ordinary 4 year old,but anyway i guess they survived it.

Sister Stacey says hi to all you bloggers out there since she doesnot have the techionogy of her own. I told her she needs to sweet talk her husband into getting the techinology.Ha Ha!!!
Oh well, Am I making any since at all? probably not, but oh well.... I need calgon to take me away Ha Ha! ok enough of that... Have a good day everybody until next time... God


cokelady said...

Hey! I was wondering what happened to you. New bloggers usually post faithfully every day for at least the first week. :-) Good to hear about your day!

Vicki Smith said...

Did you see the monkey cupcakes in a recent Taste of Home magazine? They are too cute, and they would go good with Hannah's birthday party. I have the recipe saved, along with the picture, if you'd like to have it.

ToughLady said...

yes i would. that will go good

EmileeAnn said...

Wish we could be there for Hannah's party...sounds like it's going to be fun!

Stacey was brave taking all those kids to story time. At the park, nonetheless! Or maybe she's just crazy? :-)

Hope you're having a good day!