Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Everybody Miss Me!!

Sorry I haven't blogged these day's, but I was busy... Sis. Emilee you will die when I tell you, are you ready? Here goes Rusty built me a scrapbooking table and shelf like he made for Lashanna I am so thrilled now I can scrapbook at home...

Well Hannah's birthday went prety good we had it at the park she had a blast almost didn't have enough cake, her whole lot of cousins showed up, I was sooo glad when it was over let me tell you, I am to old for this.

Do you ever get frustrated? and just want to throw things well I have that kind of weekend, and I had enough of it, and ha dto get down and pray and get over it.. I feel better now let me say, thank the Lord.. Well that is all i have for now.... God Bless


Vicki Smith said...

I get frustrated, but I'm not a "throw things" kind of person. I don't get physical--all my battles are on the inside. Like Emilee said once as she tapped the side of her head with her finger, "All my problems are right here." :]
Glad the party went well and you survived it. You're right. You ARE too old! HA! But God had some reason for waiting so long to give you children. We just haven't figured it out yet, right? *tee hee*

EmileeAnn said...

Wow! You are one lucky lady! I can't wait to see your scrapbook table. Maybe we'll have to make a District Overseer visit soon! :-)

Glad the party went well, but...we want pictures! I do anyway. I want to see all the fun things you guys did.

And, by the way, yes. I did miss you!

Vicki Smith said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vicki Smith said...

Oops. That was me that deleted the above comment. I made a boo boo that I had to hide. What I'd said, though, was that it didn't take long for your blogging career to fizzle out! Come on, Tough Lady, where are you???