Thursday, October 11, 2007

I will let you figure out what bro. kevin was doing!!!
Over all ministers retreat was really good, I enjoyed all the discussions they were good all those on program did great, we have the most anointed poeople in our region i think. They truly let the Lord use them.


cokelady said...

Looks like he's playing some war game or something. I know better though. He's working on the plumbing. Actually, that's not entirely accurate. He's really watching Brother Dustin work on the plumbing! Everybody has their job, you know! Ha!

EmileeAnn said...

I suspected it had something to do with plumbing, but only because my husband told me about that part of retreat. Duh! Like I care about fixing the plumbing. Oh well...I'll take what details I can get.

Thanks for all the pictures and short commentary, Janis. I enjoyed it all!!!

Vicki Smith said...

Knowing your Retreat was at Mountainair, and knowing what has happened in the past, my first thought was he was checking out the skunk family that lives under the dorms. LOL!