Wednesday, August 19, 2009

So Everybody!!

Well what is up america, not much happening here, I am in pueblo vocationing if you can call it that anyway.. Went over to Michele's one night watched a movie,spent the night, went canon city one day took the old lady's there Ha Ha! if they knew i said that i would be in trouble I call them the Snoop sisters, Marlene, Lola, & Bert, those of you who know them can say that....

Hannah is having a break now from school she finally finished fifth grade, now in a few weeks she will be doing her sixth grade, fun fun! I think she is getting the hang of math now so that is great let me tell ya.

Church in craig, we are getting things done there we had a yard sale to get rid of some stuff that was in the attic in the church, so glad we got rid of it been there for ever, looks so much better now, straightened some stuf in the baptestry area aranged stuff neatly and organized a lot of stuff..

It seems things just fly's by in a hurry these days, my husband and i will be celebrating our 24th anniversary in oct. can believe that. He has been one great man one who loves the lord with all his heart couldn't ask for a better husband then that....Well that's all folks


Tammy Washburn said...

I saw that you commented on my blog. I don't think we've met in person, but probably have passed each other in Assembly hallways for years. Maybe we'll meet this year! One day, we might even get out to Craig...who knows!

See ya!
Tammy Washburn

cokelady said...

Good to hear that all is well in Craig. I'm sure it feels great to have gotten rid of some STUFF that was piling up at the church there.

Tammy K. said...

Happy anniversary early.... a month early. HA!!!! 24 years!!!! That is so great.

Good job Hannah for finishing another year of school.