Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Do I Have A Blog For You!!

I say that because the other day Bro. Daryl threatened to shave his head completely bald, and his mustache and goatie, well the other day I get a call from him, and he told me he did it, well i said you did what!! " He said' I shaved my head I said no way well he told me to call stacey and see where she was cuz I wanted to take a picture of her when she saw him, You had to of been there cuz this picture i am about to post does not show her true attitude about it.. So here it goes are you ready America this is a memeber of the Church Of God...She looks kinda mad but not, but she was aggrevated at him she said it looks like he shaved it because of cancer,but we all know it was for meanness he said he was going to call Bro. Gerald and have him do the same so please people be praying about it ok?


Vicki Smith said...

HA! I had to just stare and stare at the picture and try to figure out WHO that was with Stacy!
Don't forget to post Brother Gerald's picture when he does it. LOL

cokelady said...

HA! I'm dying!!! Brother Daryl is such a nerd!!!! (I say that with all due respect, of course. Then again, how much respect is due a man who would do such a thing?! Ha!) I agree with Stacey... he looks like a cancer patient. ;-)

I laughed at least as hard (maybe harder) just over the THOUGHT of Brother Gerald doing the same thing! HA! I don't think there's any danger of that. I think he's probably more scared of his wife than Brother Daryl is! ;-)

ToughLady said...

you got that right Sis. Becki I have the fear in my husband i mtold him he better not do it.

Grace & Co said...

It doesn't even look like him anymore!!

Tammy K. said...

I love it. It's not that bad, He looks very different. HA!!! I agree w/ Becki I don't think your husband would do it, that would look strange.

peaceinchaos said...

You all don't understand the friendship of Bro. Gerald and my hubby....if it were not for a certain appt Bro. Gerald has, he told Daryl he would do least when the car or something blows up again, there is no hair to singe., (after that time look for him to do it, he grew his beard out all mountain mannish when Daryl suggested it)