Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I Want Spring!!!

Does anybody besides me want spring? I am pretty much tired of winter you would think that Craig is Alaska or something, can u tell that i am longing for spring I shouldn't be complaining, but i really want warm weather now.

This week we have been struggling with school let me tell u, Monday we did pretty good we got all 5 subjects done I was amazed,but then the rest of this week i have no clue what is wrong, does anybody know what i am going through? or is it just me, cuz today we only got 2 subjects today. Sorry to lay it all on u guys, Maybe it is old age Huh? I pray that it will go smoothly the rest of this week.

Our Ladies Bible Study is going good, It is just me and Stacey, We are doing a devotion book from the church so it is really good, There is only 2 devotional books the
church has. Toe stepping let me tell ya! Well I am not a long blogger like some of u are so I will leave ya right now.. God Bless


Mommy's Journal said...

Hey, Sis Janis...
I don't enter the BLOG world much but I happened to come today. Don't stress about school. If you get a couple of subjects done a day you're doing fine. Remember, you don't have to go by the "Public" school schedule. Hannah is learning a lot just by being with you and learning "life" skills, which they don't teach in the public school. Bible study, reading, writing and arithmetic are the MOST important things to learn! You'll do just fine. If we instill in our children the love of God and they continue to serve the Lord with their whole heart, after they leave home, we have succeeded! Take care!

Mommy's Journal said...

Oh, I forgot... If you want spring, come visit us ;-)

Vicki Smith said...

Wow, that other lady who gave you the homeschooling advise above said some really wise things!
I quit visiting your blog after checking day after day, then week and week without any new posts--I got discouraged and decided to quit disappointing myself. That would probably answer the reason why you didn't get any comments after finally blogging; everybody quit coming! Blog more frequently and you'll keep more guests. It was a fun surprise to see you've actually taken up blogging again! I've missed you.